Q: How far is Lake George from the house?
A: Less than 3 miles down the hill and only a scenic 8-minute drive.
Q: Where can I rent a boat or jet ski on Lake George?
A: We recommend Chic’s Marina. It is 3 miles away and only 8 minutes from Amazing Acorn.
Q: Where is the closest brewery?
A: We recommend Bolton Landing Brewing
Q: How far is Trout Lake from the house?
A: An easy and pleasant walk or ride. Less than ¼ mile. We have our own deeded lake rights to a small beach.
Q: Why do they call it Trout Lake?
A: Trout Lake is located in Warren County, New York. The lake has many different species of fish and is stocked regularly by the NYSDEC. It is called Trout Lake due to the high numbers of lake trout and rainbow trout that are found in the lake.
Area: 371 acres
Max depth: 110′ 0″
Surface elevation: 745′
Shore length: 5.8 mi
Shore length1: 5.8 miles (9.3 km)
Q: Is there a motor limit on Trout Lake?
A: Yes, there is a 50 horsepower motor limit.
Q: Is the house fully stocked?
A: YES! We have toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, soap, sheets, blankets, etc.
Q: What is your favorite local hike?
A: “The Pinnacle” is located @ 141 Edgecomb Pond Road, Bolton Landing
More questions? Visit lakegeorge.com for more info!